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Bukan mudah utk menjaga hati semua orang,walaupun sedaya upaya mencuba, namun pasti ada yg terasa. Jika kesilapan semalam belum terampun, moga dimaafkanlah. Jika kesilapan hari ini menyakitkan, dgn harapan moga lupakanlah, dan jika kesilapan esok atau mendatang ku mohon jgnlah dibawa sampai akhirat. Maafkanlah kalau aku buat hatimu terluka kerana sesungguhnya aku juga manusia terbatas.

please ! please ! please ! tolong !

It is the magic word as far as i concern it to be.. Right?

Please, Tolong and maybe other words in other language.

Is it really hard to say or to speak it out when you ask or need other people’s help?

Am wondering, some of people out there, are really hard to use this word when they ask some other people’s help. It just, u ask someone helps, why not you say the magic word. Is it that hard to say? If its once, or twice they didnt use any magic word, Im ok with that, but if its always?

I really didnt understand this kind of people. Its really hard for me to accept it. Since I used all the magic word every time I ask favor from someone.. Hey you, wheres your respect to other peoples? They are not your slave or what ever! Do have some respect everytime you ask some peoples help!