About Me

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Bukan mudah utk menjaga hati semua orang,walaupun sedaya upaya mencuba, namun pasti ada yg terasa. Jika kesilapan semalam belum terampun, moga dimaafkanlah. Jika kesilapan hari ini menyakitkan, dgn harapan moga lupakanlah, dan jika kesilapan esok atau mendatang ku mohon jgnlah dibawa sampai akhirat. Maafkanlah kalau aku buat hatimu terluka kerana sesungguhnya aku juga manusia terbatas.

hey peeps !

update mine's..
i'm here still upbeat..
my jntung still pumping..
hope anda sume pun begitu..
see ya readers :)

till then love;

happy mother's day !

masih belum terlambat utk saya push da button 'publish post'..smlam ta sempat nak buat entry ni..

Without mothers...some words in this world would have no meanings at all..’words’ like love,home and joy…

A mother’s love is beyond explanation,it is precious and rare,like the mystery of creation.For each time you thought of me before you thought about yourself,I want to say thank you.and I think of you as much as you think of me..

Your arms were always open when I needed a HUG…

Your heart understand when I needed a FRIEND..

Your gentle eyes were stern when I needed a LESSON..

Your strength and love guided me and give me wings to help me soar..

iLOVEyou mama..wishing you a very happy mother's day !

till then ma,iLOVEyou..