About Me

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Bukan mudah utk menjaga hati semua orang,walaupun sedaya upaya mencuba, namun pasti ada yg terasa. Jika kesilapan semalam belum terampun, moga dimaafkanlah. Jika kesilapan hari ini menyakitkan, dgn harapan moga lupakanlah, dan jika kesilapan esok atau mendatang ku mohon jgnlah dibawa sampai akhirat. Maafkanlah kalau aku buat hatimu terluka kerana sesungguhnya aku juga manusia terbatas.

nobody knows me

Nobody knows its empty

This smile that I wear,

The real 1 is left in the past

Bcoz U have left me there

Nobody knows I’m crying

They wont even see my tears,

When they think that I’m laughing

I still wishing U were here

Nobody knows its painful

They think that I’m strong,

They say that this wont kill me

But I wonder if they were wrong.

Nobody knows I’m praying

That u will change my mind,

They think that I had let U go

When u left me behind.

Nobody knows I miss u

They think I feel set free,

But I feel like I’m bound with chains

Trapped in the mystery.

Nobody knows I need U

They say I can do it on my own,

But they don’t know I’m crying

When I’m all alone